
Buttton Block

Published @ 04/08/2023 by

author Nevrie
Nevrie, Co-Founder @

You know how Call-to-Action buttons are pretty essential, right?

This is where you guide your visitors to take a desired action. Be it subscribing, downloading, RSVPing, you name it. PopupHero's Button Block allows you to do just that! 🎉

Valuable CTA buttons are mostly those that stick out and are nicely tailored to your brand! Luckily, PopupHero's interface is super user-friendly and allows you to easily customize the button's text, style, color, size, and alignment.

On Click 🖱️

Yes, you can actually decide what happens when the button is clicked! You have a list of options to choose from, like: opening a URL, closing the popup, accepting or declining cookies, and so on.

Button block

Appearance 👀

Make it look pretty! PopupHero lets you style your own buttons. Choose the theme, colors and text that fits your style perfectly!

Button block appearance

Text Style 💌

Because everything lies in the details, you can also personalize your button's font family, size, and color!

Button block text style

Block Settings 🛠️

And last but not least, you can set custom padding for your block to make it look just perfect.

Button block settings

Isn't that super cool? Enjoy building engaging CTAs with PopupHero's Button block. 😁